Monday, September 17, 2012

Inner Demons

Most nights I tend to remember 3-4 of my dreams. It is a daunting task to write down each dream with each remarkable detail. Only the ones that stand out most make it onto paper. As was last night's dream..

My friends and family along with myself, are sitting in various picnic tables at night. I believe we are celebrating something big. Through the laughter and smiles, I am mentally taking note of the happiness that is being spread from one individual to another. All of the faces illuminated by hanging lanterns. After a few minutes I notice the scene growing quiet. As I look towards the darkness figures slowly make themselves seen. Their faces are twisted in horrible agony. My brain cannot fully comprehend what I am staring at. I do believe however these beings are demons. The crowd of gloom slowly disperse themselves to the tables. They surround each table and begin spreading their message of eternal sadness and hatred by murdering each individual not strong enough to fight them off. I note that every person dying was unable to put their trust in god and his eternal plan. They are fearful of death. One by one they fall before us. My loved ones, gone forever.

When my table is approached I will not give in to the fear. I slowly begin to sing aloud any song that can come to my mind. The demons begin to stab me with their various sickles and knives, but none can puncture me. They slowly become thin as air, as each blow towards me turns to a smoke. I quickly spread the word, but not fast enough. By this time I have lost nearly half of my crowd. All I want to do is protect them and keep them safe. But by not believing that God is almighty, they perish.

Many of us run into a nearby home. Multiple fall in the battle. We enter the home and spread to each room. I take a room upstairs. The room is large, as is the home. The demons begin to bang on the locked door. I sprint to the bathroom and lock the door behind me just as I hear the explosion in the other room. The door has splintered to pieces. I push into a shower that is made of clear bricks and a small glass door. I curl into a ball as I sing to myself, my voice growing hoarse. Tears begin to warm my face as I realize how many people I have lost. What am I going to do when the demons surround the shower? What will I do when they realize there is no roof to this shower? The bangs grow louder as they make their way through the bedroom towards the bathroom. I can feel a warmth upon my back. I look to see where this is coming from as I notice the large window above the toilet. I quickly run and fumble the glass open. I climb through just as the demons begin to crack the bathroom door. I am running across the rooftop and climbing ever higher as I jump from house rooftop to rooftop. I however get to the end of the row of homes. I'm trapped in the corner about 50 to 60 feet up. I turn around and this time feel ready to battle. My voice grows louder and louder as the sun comes up. This will be the battle of my life. It's my turn to show my love to God. I begin to sing church hymns.

Then I wake up.

Anyone want to help me decipher this dream?? It terrified me a lot last night.

God is great. God is good. Let the storm come.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

By Force

Forcing people into things is not always a wonderful thing to do. For one, you're taking away their free agency (the ability to choose), also whether it is "necessary" or not will always result in people disagreeing.

We need to be reminded that we should not force anyone into anything unless completely, without a doubt necessary. If they are hurting themselves or others you need to intervene. If they are doing things which could ultimately change their lives negatively forever, tattle. It is as easy as that.

Find your voice and speak up. Too many are falling too quickly. By being positive and a bit controlling, we are able to change the world in a better direction.