Sunday, January 6, 2013

Open Eyes

I tend to not regret much. I do however learn a lot of lessons the hard and difficult way.
One such story keeps me thinking often.

I was asked to be on set for a film called HotBot. I was extremely excited even though I would work through a blizzard in summer clothes. I arrived on set and made friends as quickly as possible. It was 5:00 PM and already beginning to get dark here in Utah. The temperatures were close to 20 degrees F. My newly found friends and I began to discuss the business in order to distract ourselves from the cold. We were grateful that we were given a large tent to sit in which blocked the winds. Our call time was set for 7:00 PM and so we waited.

The make up artists began to walk through our group and pick out "hopefuls". I was one of which. I followed them to a warm trailer where there were 3 girls talking. They were all very pretty with foul mouths and appeared to be in their early 20's. There I made friends with a blonde actress. We talked until I had to go back to the tent. She was very friendly and I seemed to enthuse her. Throughout the night she would come and find me on set and continue talking and teasing me. She seemed intrigued. At 7:00 AM, we both eventually went our separate ways.

I realized later that she is an up and growing actress. She has been in large films and is pretty well known in the Hollywood world. I wished I would have known whom she was before. I would have been able to learn so very much.

She seemed to like me because I knew not who she was or what she had accomplished. I was able to have a regular conversation with her and stay humble. Holy smokes.

There went that opportunity.
I learned to open my eyes.