Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Breathe In, Breathe Out

She's gone.
My best friend.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Smiling, always laughing.
Always loving.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Bright eyes, squinted.
Hurting, crying.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Sleeping, dreaming.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Puff out.
Spirit gone.
Now so very cold.
We breathe in, we breathe out.

Monday, June 17, 2013

How Different

I am not here just to blend in.
I am here to make change.
To go beyond the usual.
Making others strive to do better themselves.
I will not become a robot of society, constantly just trying to fit in.
I refuse to become rooted.
I embrace my unusual way of life.
The way I dress differently.
The way I push to never be defeated.
Never will I give up or give in.
I will stand tall and immovable.
But never set in my stubborn ways.
Being open minded will be key.
I know I was destined for greatness.
I will do great things.
I know it.
I just do.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


You'll never be nothing more.
Never achieving anything worth noting.
Always useless.
Always unchanged.
Never remembered.
After all you are one in billions.
You are not big enough to effect anyone or anything.
You are nothing.

Stop listening. A movement is always started with one individual.
It begins as a thought. A mere glimpse into something better.
The idea begins to grow through the owner. They choose to share, or to hide it.
Through word of mouth the idea begins to plant seeds.
Others join. The ball begins to roll.

Do not choose to blend in.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


One of the most beautiful stories I have ever heard came from a man I admire and know is a great man called of God. He told me about a dream he had years ago.

He laid down to sleep. Thinking about nothing other than his his day. Slowly he slipped into unconsciousness.

He opens his eyes to a beautiful untouched beach.
The waves roll in, as the warm breeze blows through.
This seems to be one of the most beautiful sights to be seen.
One that his eyes are unable to conquer as a mortal.
As he stands there completely speechless he sees a being manifest itself down the beach a ways.
He immediately is overwhelmed with the recognition of his Savior.
Jesus Christ walks towards him, while this man wastes no time striding towards him.
After a never long enough conversation with his Savior, whispered are simple words.
"I must tend to my other sheep."
The words slowly cut through Taylor as he realizes his time with his idol is over.
"Let me help you, I will come with."
Jesus slowly begins to walk away, not before warming the man's body.
"You must stay."
And with that is was over.

I envy this man..

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Weird Days

Today is one of those weird days.
The days your inner self competes against itself.
You have one side dreaming out loud.
You have another bleeding it's doubts throughout your thoughts.
One crying to be held.
The other wanting to be left alone.
So many different stories and memories to each.
I appreciate these days because of the thinking that gets done.
I often motivate myself during these hours.
And all in the same swoop, demotivate myself.
Some will emerge victorious.
Those are the sides that will decide my fate for the next week or so.
Today is one of those weird days.
The days you feel like doing everything.
And yet the days you feel like doing absolutely nothing worthwhile.
The days you make plans.
The days your imperfections scratch into your core.
You scream out for help and hear no reply.
The love from God snatches your being and warms you.
Then the day is over.
Your hand reaches through everything piled on top of you.
It grasps the new found hope.
You emerge victorious.
I await that time of day.
Because today.
Well today is one of those weird days.

Monday, February 25, 2013


We all have dreams and aspirations.
It makes no sense why we cannot reach them sometimes.
Far too often we forget them and move on, because our dreams are not and sometimes cannot be real.
We then spread our unhappiness like a disease. We are all creating a pandemic.

Hang in there always.
Never stop dreaming.
Always be there for people.
Always push others to do their best.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Sometimes it is extremely difficult to find what motivates you. 
I have been stuck in this rut. 

I have been going through life day to day with little to no motivation. Why should I try hard to get good grades? Who needs a career anyways? Why work so hard just to work for the rest of my life?

I have felt that life is vicious. Many good people do not get the pay off they deserve. Many bad and irresponsible people have more than plenty. In the end what is money? (Thanks CTD) Nothing but paper and some ink. 

As I try to push myself out of this mess I leave you with these words:

Be who you are and want to be. 
Always pay it forward. 
Never be too afraid for anything. 
Heavenly Father is with you and will not let you fail. 
Get back up. 
Try everything. 
Never work too much. 
The most important time will always be with family. 
Be imaginative. 
Be creative.
Never listen to others criticism. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Open Eyes

I tend to not regret much. I do however learn a lot of lessons the hard and difficult way.
One such story keeps me thinking often.

I was asked to be on set for a film called HotBot. I was extremely excited even though I would work through a blizzard in summer clothes. I arrived on set and made friends as quickly as possible. It was 5:00 PM and already beginning to get dark here in Utah. The temperatures were close to 20 degrees F. My newly found friends and I began to discuss the business in order to distract ourselves from the cold. We were grateful that we were given a large tent to sit in which blocked the winds. Our call time was set for 7:00 PM and so we waited.

The make up artists began to walk through our group and pick out "hopefuls". I was one of which. I followed them to a warm trailer where there were 3 girls talking. They were all very pretty with foul mouths and appeared to be in their early 20's. There I made friends with a blonde actress. We talked until I had to go back to the tent. She was very friendly and I seemed to enthuse her. Throughout the night she would come and find me on set and continue talking and teasing me. She seemed intrigued. At 7:00 AM, we both eventually went our separate ways.

I realized later that she is an up and growing actress. She has been in large films and is pretty well known in the Hollywood world. I wished I would have known whom she was before. I would have been able to learn so very much.

She seemed to like me because I knew not who she was or what she had accomplished. I was able to have a regular conversation with her and stay humble. Holy smokes.

There went that opportunity.
I learned to open my eyes.