Thursday, October 25, 2012

Newly Found Freedom

Why is there so much pressure to go to school immediately after high school??

I do understand that if you stop going to class it makes it harder to go back. It is just unfortunate that kids will go to classes and have no idea what they want to do with their lives. There are so many opportunities out there for us to give a shot. It's difficult having such a short amount of time and paying a lot of money to go to college where you have to decide.

I got caught in the rush and decided to go to nursing school. I have been doing prerequisites for a year now and have been trying to experiment along the way.

Last November I found a passion for acting for film. It gave me a rush every time I did it. I did however, begin to shy away when I realized it is not an industry for people of my faith. I will keep trying that while I go to school.

I also am very artistic. I have a little schooling behind me that supports my arts but not a significant amount. There is no money in it. Or so I thought. I recently found out about special effects makeup. Hopefully I can try this field out as well while I go to school.

We need to remember that there are so many things to try before we get too caught up.

I want a career I will be happy with.
I want a career that I can get excited about.
Open your eyes and experiment.

Find your freedom.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Smile Towards The Devil

Nothing is impossible. So why do we make it seem so?? Isn't it a miracle that we are able to live??

My life has not been the hardest to live by any means, but I have been able to learn through my hardships: Go to college, you won't regret it. Live happily. Look to the future but never forget to admire the present. Never quit smiling. Regrets are necessary, learn form them. Jump at opportunities as they come. Do not think twice when it comes to making others happy. Remember to keep yourself happy as well. Stay in tune with God, life will be much better that way. ETC.

When young, I made a choice to stand up to those hurting, even if they couldn't stand themselves. I made friends that way, and was also made fun of. This is a decision I will never regret. I lost my confidence and grew into a hostile environment. Only because I made my environment that way. I loved the image of life, but wished there was something better for me out there. I began to be bullied through middle school. I lost my hope, I had no friends, I was living in my daydreams. Through this act I learned to grow into myself. I stopped caring, I stopped listening, I looked towards the future.

I cherish the fact that I was bullied because through my bullies, I was able to bloom. Now I am able to see people's true beauty. I am able to feel their anguish. Their hopelessness. I am able to try to help them.

One day I will own a charity.

..One day..

Saturday, October 13, 2012


   It's interesting to see people break. They either cope and float. Or they do not. At the time in their life their problems seem to overtake them. Flooding the happiness out and replacing the soul with a cold watery person. They cannot see the light. They cannot find true happiness. Everything seems done. As it continues to climax, numb is what you become. All around you people are walking past. Never asking, never helping. As if standing in a busy street and having others pass by. Never even noticing the hole we seem to place ourselves into.
   We continue to reach for help in our minds, but never quite letting it release from our lips. We suck it in like a poison. It beats and scratches at our veins. But we'll never ask. Nothing is wrong, no one can fix me. We slowly fade out of reality. Living in a daydream. Wishing earnestly that we could slip away into our new life. Daydream, daydream, daydream.. Building, building, building..
   Finally, we break. The pressure is relieved. We've hit rock bottom. We cannot sink any lower. There is no where else to fall. Being alone is a reward. Reaching for our dreams, for we cannot descend anymore. Higher and higher we climb. We have the chance to make our daydreams reality. Reaching and inching. Grasping every handhold available. Until we slip. No help is offered.
   We make and break ourselves far too often. Learning to create ourselves. Who we are. What we believe. And whether we climb again.

A constant cycle.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Chubby and White

Isn't it interesting that when thinking about the word chubby and white, we usually are programmed to think UGLY and HIDEOUS? 

Back in the early years chubby and white showed wealth and importance.
You were white because you had enough money to hire individuals to work for you.
The workers were tan because of extensive sun exposure.
Chubby was iconic for "well fed". Usually the chubbies had more than enough food for their families.
Skinnies worked themselves to the bone so that their children would not starve. 

It's extremely curious that we now believe that tan and malnourishingly-skinny is true beauty.

I have been blessed with the gift of being able to see true beauty. It truly is a blessing from God.
We as individuals need to reprogram ourselves into seeing this beauty.

I have found that the easiest way to do so is to create a simple habit:
EVERY time you see someone and you automatically begin to judge them (I't just the way our brains work sometimes), think of 3 things positive to say about them!

I tried this out with my boyfriend. At first it began as a "Well she has nice hair" to, slowly but surely, "She seems to have a lot on her shoulders". Sympathy. That sympathy will help you to be able to feel grateful. Through being grateful you will begin to love yourself. You need to see beauty in yourself before you can see beauty in others.

3 Quick Kind thoughts about others. 
That's it.

Imagine our world when everyone is beautiful.